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Taylor English - GMA Support Partner Spotlight

Thursday, October 15, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

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Event Details

GMA Support Partner Spotlight

Taylor English 

This member spotlight interview is open to everyone.

We will discuss information that will help manufacturing leaders navigate to a successful future beyond the COVID 19 pandemic.

Russell Dunlap - Partner - Taylor English will share best practices that his team has observed throughout America. These unique solutions may help you survive and thrive through these challenging times.

Topics will include:

  • Understanding intellectual property and the differences between patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets 

  • Clarifying legal rights concerning intellectual property in the United States and internationally 

  • Simple tips for manufacturers and service providers to identify and protect their technology and competitive advantage

Russell Dunlap

Russell Dunlap is a member of Taylor English’s Intellectual Property Department, where he assists in patent, trademark, and copyright preparation, prosecution, and litigation. Mr. Dunlap has drafted and prosecuted numerous patent applications in a wide range of technologies in the mechanical arts, including water infrastructure components, cosmetics, clothing and other textiles, architectural products, medical devices, corrugated cardboard products and packaging, venting and drying technology, equestrian and pet equipment, and many varieties of consumer goods.

About Taylor English:

Taylor English Duma LLP is a full-service law firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. Our clients range from Fortune 500 businesses, mid-cap companies, and start-ups to local governments, schools, and individuals. The firm was started in 2005 and has grown from four to 170 attorneys, making us the ninth largest law firm in Atlanta. In 2018, we were recognized as a Small Giant by Forbes. Taylor English is the first law firm to win the recognition.


Who should attend:

Competitive Manufacturing Leaders who want to take the next step.

Frustrated MFG leaders who know that there is a better way but haven’t been able to find it. 

Operational experts who need help navigating out of COVID situation. 


 If you have any specific questions you would like covered during this session, email them to

For More Information:

Wesley Moss
Wesley Moss
Account Executive Georgia Manufacturing Alliance (770)338-0051