Member Spotlight - Manufacturer - With ZOOM Inerview and Podcast
Digital Promotion
Member Spotlight with ZOOM Interview and Podcast - Manufacturer
This digital marketing program highlights your company as the featured Manufacturing Company.
A special webpage will be developed to promote your company. This promotional page can include the following:
- In-depth Company Profile including web links and expanded format capabilities
- Embed Youtube Video
- Product announcement
- Special event or milestone announcements
30 Minute ZOOM Interview with audio shared on MNN Podcast
The page announcement and introduction graphic will be displayed in the GMA homepage carousel for a minimum of seven days. The member spotlight homepage graphic will be removed after seven days but the member spotlight page will remain on the GMA website.
We will recognize your company as the spotlight company through a special post on the GMA company LinkedIn page.
Image details:
Background images - optimal size is 1200 x 500px.
For best use, they should not exceed 1500 pixels wide.
Recommended File Sizes - ideal size is 400 KB or under